
Center for Hyperbaric Medicine re-accredited “with distinction”

Hennepin Healthcare News

Hyperbaric chamber at HCMC Hyperbaric chamber at HCMC

Congratulations to the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine for recently achieving re-accreditation “with distinction” from the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society (UHMS)!

In addition to being the accrediting agency for hyperbaric chambers recognized by The Joint Commission, the UHMS is the primary source of scientific information for diving and hyperbaric medicine physiology worldwide.

HCMC’s 2-day survey took place in March and included over 600 checkpoints for the program, resulting in re-accreditation “with distinction” which means the program can be called a “Center of Excellence.”

HCMC has the only multi-chamber hyperbaric oxygen facility in the region that’s used for 24/7 emergency treatment of critically ill patients: usually victims of carbon monoxide exposure or life-threatening infections, but also cerebral gas embolism and decompression sickness (“the bends”).

Congratulations to everyone on the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine team for this excellent achievement!

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Dr Cunningham & the Hyperbaric Hotel

Divers Who Want To Learn More

The most famous chamber and the most used chamber was that of Dr Cunningham in Kansas City during the 192os. Cunningham first used the chamber to treat the victims of the Spanish influenza epidemic which spread across the USA during the end of the First World War. Cunningham had observed that mortality from this disease was higher in the areas of elevated land. He believed therefore that a barometric factor was involved. He claimed that there was major improvements in the patients he treated.

Dr Cunningham's famous hyperbaric hotel Dr Cunningham’s famous hyperbaric hotel

One night, however, a mechanical failure occurred and it resulted in a complete loss of compression and all of his patients died. This was a lesson for Cunningham but his enthusiasm for hyperbaric air continued and he started treating diseases such as syphilis, hypertension, diabetes and cancer.

In 1928 Cleveland Cunningham built the largest chamber ever, it was five stories high…

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Tyler SextonTyler Sexton Book Cover










New book by WebCME faculty Tyler Sexton, MD, CHWS, DMT. Great interview with Dr. Niezgoda and Dr. Sexton http://ow.ly/y9ggI

WebCME featured on Milwaukee Public Television

WebCME was featured on Milwaukee Public Television’s Student Workshop‘ program. The episode was a class project directed by former WebCME intern Geoffrey Niezgoda, who at the time was studying broadcasting. Geoffrey recently graduated from Milwaukee Area Technical College and works at WebCME

The video, which streamed live on MPTV’s website, features a conversation between ACHM Executive Director Angela Kujath and WebCME Director of Operations Kate Baker. The video also features interviews with WebCME President and Chief Medical Officer Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD, Technical Director Ken Kneser and Video Director Wes Tank.

WebCME Website Makeover

WebCME Doctors looking at laptop

WebCME recently conducted a Customer Satisfaction Survey and found that our website needed a little makeover. Thanks to our loyal members (who by the way were very pleased with our services), we will launch a new and improved, user-friendly website.

The new website was put together to accommodate mobile devices. WebCME understands the significance of customized education that is tailored to active medical professionals worldwide.  Up-to-date knowledge involving  the trends in education and mobile device usage helps WebCME deliver quality innovative education.

WebCME respect and encourage your feedback. Help us help you in your Continuing Medical Education journey!



Get Certified

A message from Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD on the benefits of wound care certification.

Smarter By Design

WebCME president and chief medical officer Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, M.D. discusses his passion for medical education and the WebCME teaching process.
